When the factors causing overprediction of ME m were corrected, the CNCPS-S underpredicted ADG when the NRC (1985) and CSIRO (1990) equations were used to estimate k g, while good precision and accuracy were achieved when k g was predicted with the Tedeschi et al. Regardless of the k g prediction equation used, the CNCPS-S markedly underpredicted ADG, due to an overprediction of ME requirements for maintenance (ME m). Forty-two data points from nine published studies were used to investigate the adequacy of CNCPS-S and of the above equations to estimate ADG. In addition, the equations used by ARC (1980), NRC (1985) and CSIRO (1990) to predict the energy content of empty body gain (EVG) were compared. (2004), which uses a decay equation as a function of the composition of the gain. This model was also used to compare the efficiency of use of metabolizable energy (ME) to net energy (NE) for growth (k g) from the Agricultural Research Council (ARC, 1980), the Australian system (CSIRO, 1990), the National Research Council (NRC, 2000) and a theoretical equation by Tedeschi et al. This study evaluates the suitability of the Cornell Net Carbohydrate and Protein System for sheep (CNCPS-S) to predict average daily gain (ADG) of lambs.